
Digital Marketing Specialists You Need For 2020

{Update – 2020}
As important as it is to have a marketing plan for your business, there’s a lot more to it than just that to be successful. The true structure and key to success are rooted in your marketing team. It’s the people that plan, execute, modify and keep up with the marketing trends who can make or break the growth of your digital marketing. Hiring Digital Marketing Specialists should be a priority for the success of your business.

If you want to stay ahead of the game in 2019 then it’s crucial that you have an on-point digital marketing team. There are a few spots that should be filled, but it’s understandable that it may not be possible to fill all roles if you’re are a smaller company. No need to worry. Just because you’re smaller or may not have the budget for all, doesn’t mean you still can’t be successful. Instead, companies must choose the key roles that will fulfill the digital marketing needs.

Here are the 3 key roles to fill in 2019 for digital marketing:

Social Media Marketer

It’s one thing to find someone who can do social media marketing, it’s another to find someone who lives and breathes it. Social media has changed over the years. Now, it’s more than just posting content here and there without rhyme or reason. It’s important to find a Social Media Marketer who can run successful Facebook Ad campaigns, monitor and track results and produce viable content. It’s also important for them to be ahead of the trends, especially for 2019.

Video Marketing Specialist

Video Marketing is one of the biggest marketing trends in 2019. Users engage more with visual content over anything else. Facebook has caught on to this and allows for posts and ads to rank higher in News Feeds. Live streaming was a game-changer for marketing. Whether it be on Instagram Stories, Facebook Live or even Periscope, the live video took the crown and will continue to be on the rise. It’s important to hire someone who can leverage video content and stay on and ahead of the trend in 2019.

Website Developer

If your website isn’t suited for digital marketing, then it’s time to change that. Even if your website is up to par, the need for fine-tuning is always there. SEO and optimization are also vital for the success of your online traffic and tracking. Hiring someone who can constantly be on top of your website, can make or break your how smoothly your website runs. Design elements are also important, along with finding solutions to any problems that may arise at the drop of hat. Website developers understand the backend and that is really where everything stems from.

Hiring a team of Digital Marketing Specialists that can bring results in the new year is what your true focus should be. Your marketing team is the key to your business success and it will make you thrive in your digital marketing strategies.

Let’s help your business get social! We can help create, manage and execute a creative social media marketing plan that will provide the best content and results for your company using all social media platforms.


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