
#Winning BIG in Business 101

Did someone say “The New Year is 60 days away?”

That’s not only exciting but also an opportunity that you don’t want to miss out on.

What opportunity?

It’s the fact that people are already looking to buy your product and you don’t have a Sales Funnel to help with the follow-up steps.

When you win an order it’s a thrill! But what happens next?

You fulfill the order, and then… you wait for them to remember you again?

Unfortunately, as we are bombarded by ads every day, most of them fall on deaf ears because we don’t recognize or care about the company to keep in touch.

The saying goes “People do business with those they: Know, Like, and Trust.” So how do you get to the point where you are always known?


Mail and Digital Chart to Win Customers
Like it or not, the market is telling you that they don’t buy the first time you ask. (Credit


Step 1 – Know = Wins

As you can see on the chart above, there are many touchpoints required for a prospect (AKA someone shopping to buy).

Using the Know Like and Trust framework what’s step 1? Make sure they KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Oxford Languages defines:
know  /nō/   verb  1. be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information
To be aware through observation and INFORMATION. Like an email? Like a postcard? Of course. So how do you maximize your contacts and also make sure you don’t OVER inform? Something like an email software Constant Contact used hand in hand with some direct mailing campaigns and signage brings KNOWLEDGE of your business to the public.

Quick example:

New restaurant having a soft opening – send a 4×6 coupon for Buy One Get One for ALL meals 1 day only! (QR code scan goes to your website for the menu) when they go to your website, it has a pop-up that says: “Can’t make it to our opening day? Sign up for a FREE gift on your birthday.”
They fill out a form so you can have their email and birthday. You will send them a free offer for their birthday, and meanwhile, even if they can’t come to your opening event, you will have their contact to keep talking to them.
When they sign up for the birthday offer, you have 6 emails ready to go over the next 2 months that talk about specials, new menu items, and what makes you stand out from ‘the other guy’.
Just for kicks, send another postcard to the same area 5 weeks after the grand opening with another offer (Free Appetizer, or 25% off the bill), and the same QR code so they can sign up for a birthday gift if they missed out on the first time. (That’s not just a win for you, but a win for your customer!)


Now, no matter what, they have seen your name twice, probably driving past your building if you have some flags or banners, and if you got an email as well they will be hearing from you at a minimum of 8 times in 60 days. Odds are that they KNOW you now. Hitting 80% of the metrics in the chart.
Win with likes

Step 2 = Make them LIKE you

How do your customers LIKE you?
Well, flattery never hurts. Bribing with a big discount (and delivering on service) and also saying “We care about your birthday” is a good start.
So you’ve made yourself known. If given the chance. Make sure you are set up for success.
If that means you need a quick review of your business practices by hiring an outside perspective, VeraPax offers a business marketing review including this downloadable sheet for a full perspective on what areas need immediate attention.
People LIKE going to Disney over 6 Flags. It’s cleaner. People LIKE certain restaurants more than others. Because they have established rapport with the brand. You need to do the same whether it’s carpet cleaning or car detail.

Step 3 = Earn Trust

Notice I didn’t say BUY trust. It’s something earned over time. When you send the email communications, don’t do it too much, and don’t JUST SELL.

Do you like feeling sold?


Do you enjoy BUYING things?

For most people… Yes.

So you need to keep being KNOWN and LIKED for giving information that your prospect TRUSTS you.

Like doing what you promise. If it’s a discount for a product, and you run out, honor it some other way.

Trust takes a lifetime to build and only seconds to destroy. To operate with integrity, your business will be trusted and you will win business from your competition.

Win the day before noon

Take your time seriously. If you don’t have a plan of action every day before the day begins. Your business will control it for you.

So take a few minutes and plan your day.

Write out 3 priorities for yourself to keep you honest.

Get those 3 things done before noon. If you win the day before noon, the rest is a bonus.


If you could use some help in scaling your business here are a few tools and sites we recommend that could set you up to win:

Email Marketing

CRM to implement these strategies

Greeting Cards to build KNOW LIKE and TRUST

Promotional Gifts for events and handouts

I love talking to small business owners and sharing a free thought of a marketing idea like the example above. So give us a call or set up a meeting with me on this calendar link:

And I’d love to talk about your business and how I can help.

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